This noon as I talked with a mother who has lost 7 children, five which were to suicide, I wondered how a heart can handle such grief. Yesterday there was another suicide which brought back feelings of pain and sadness to this mother. How do I assure her that He is our comfort, our hope? Again and again I am reminded to comfort those who morn, rejoice with those who rejoice. As I wrote in the last update things are slowly getting done on the shop. Last week we had two guys from Red Lake come and help us. They got the electrical roughed in, insulated the walls and put up the ceiling. Then on Friday they cut about 4 cords of firewood with 55 more cords to go! We also reroofed cabin 3.
This week we have a couple from Germany here for 2 days helping. They helped insulate the attic, put OSB sheeting up on the walls. We also cleaned a couple cabins. We pray that they saw Jesus in us as we relate to them. Pikangikum has closed school for 2 weeks for moose break so we have had hunters stopping by quite a bit.
We were telling people that called for counselling that we weren’t taking anyone until Oct. Well October is here and we still feel like there is so much work to do. In spite of that we have a young girl coming from a reserve northof us on the 15th. Pray with us that there will be healing of past hurts and forgiveness. Pray for us also as we relate to her and open our home to her. The first week of November we have a family scheduled also. Oct 7 -11 Marvin and I along with 10 people from Pikang ikum are attending a healing conference in Minnesota.